Things with our trio are doing awesome! I can testify that if you honestly try to be loving and patient with people then heavenly father WILL help you love them! We had a neat experience on Tuesday. A lady in our ward teaches seminary & their lesson on Tuesday was on Jeremiah 16:16 missionary work......yeah as you know that scripture is close to my heart. Well she asked if we could come & talk to the class & share experiences with them. It was EARLY seminary! I told the class this was the FIRST time i had been to early seminary before & that it was kinda cool....okay actually its not & im glad i had seminary DURING school! They all started laughing. I told them my experience i had of what made me go on a mission & how much i LOVE the scripture Jeremiah 16:16. OF COURSE i was crying as i was talking to them. I just told them how important it is that we have missionaries out & that there are millions and millions of people searching & praying for guidance & Heavenly father is preparing them for us so WE NEED TO SERVE!! It was a cool experience & it reminded me of when mom used to teach :) So Pat is doing ok. He still his awesome self but hasn’t been feeling good these last weeks. he has a lot of problems with his body so he has been in & out of the hospital & in a lot of pain. :( poor guy. But spiritually he’s doing pretty well. He’s having a big stumbling block right now with the commandment of tithing. We're just being patient & helping him along but he needs to do his part & pray for help if he really wants to progress & be baptized then the Lord WILL help him. He had 2 neat experiences: He said one night he had asked Heavenly Father "so are these things really all true? Are they real? Is it right that I believe all this? He opened his scripture randomly to Alma 5:12!! Go read it!! :) Then he also asked "so why are Sister Heward & sister Peavler really here? (yeah these questions kinda seem funny and strange but they're normal investigator questions I think) well he opened his scriptures to Alma 11:31!! :) check this one out too! pretty cool. Well Easter day was really fun! We actually got invited to sing with the Young Womens in sacrament :D it was so nice & it made me miss young womens ALOT! It was a really pretty song. Then the AWESOME ward has such cool families that a couple of them invited us to their house to 'crash' their family parties & hang out with them. We had a lot of fun and we laughed so hard! They are one of the coolest families EVER! We also went & decorated Devon & Jens door cause they were getting home from the Philippines that night. We have missed them so stinking much bad though.. I’m grateful! Well happy late Easter to you all! I love you so much & am grateful for our brother Jesus Christ who did suffer in Gethsemane, was crucified, & DID rise on the 3rd day so we can all be resurrected also & be with each other FOREVER!! THIS CHURCH IS TRUE!!
LOVE Sister Amber Ruth Heward
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