Yesterday at church we had 3 investigators come to church!! AWESOME HUH! Jen was one who i just talked about, Lulu kirbo who is 9 & really wants to be baptized & go to church but her family is less active. Such an adorable girl & LOVES the gospel. She had a lot of fun at church & then PAT CAME!!! YAY! our favorite investigator haha (even though we shouldnt have favorites.) ANyway he came but sat in the back & we didn't even know he was there until after sacrament he called us & sister peavler answered & he goes "well of course they talked about that dunking in the water thing (baptism)." hahaha & she does YOU CAME TO CHURCH!? he goes yes i did but im leaving now so she RUNS outside to catch him & talks a little while. WE were sooooo excited to see him. That was a huge step for him because 1st off he doesn't like being around alot of people 2nd he didn't wanna go without his daughter but he went even tho she doesn't have permission from her mom to go. We were so proud of him but it doesnt end there. We went to his house later that day & he starts telling us an experience he had. So we had left a sticky note at his house to remind him to pray about knowing whether the things we are teaching him are true or not. Well he says "you know that sticky note that you left here, well its like following me around haha so i decided to pray, well i grabbed my BoM & just flipped it open to a random page then just pointed at a random verse & the verse was Alma 30:41. It reads 'But, behold, i have all things as a testimony that these things are true; & ye also have all things as a testimony unto you that they are true; & will ye deny them? Believest thou that these things are true?' ISN"T THAT INCREDIBLE!! How more direct can you get!? That scripture was no doubt an answer to his prayer. These things ARE true & Heavenly Father is listening & answering his prayers. He knows these things are true but just has some other things he needs help with but it was such a spiritual experience & there is no doubt that was a coincidence. Prayer really does work! & this church is TRUE! He really is being blessed for going to church & doing those things hes supposed to do. I was thinking yesterday about how excited i get when i see people come to church & it really hit me that the way i feel is only a PORTION of what Heavenly father feels when he sees his children go to church, member or not. It shows that we have a belief & faith in God & we trust him to guide & help us if we are doing those things we need to do. Thanks for taking me to church all those years growing up :) really its bigger then we realize. Going to church is important.
Keep doing whats right & God will keep blessing you. I promise he is always there leading & guiding us if we are listening & paying attention. GOODBYE!!
Love, Sister Amber Ruth Heward
Last week's post (sorry it's late)
So GOOOOOOD NEWS!! We have a new investigator & she is soo great! She is actually the wife of devon who i think i told you about towards the beginning of my mission. Hes a return missionary who stopped going to church when i got off him mission & his excuse was that he was just lazy. haha well its his wife & she is a non member/catholic & she has been going to church with him every sunday the last month. Its awesome & we had dinner with them a couple days ago & she told us she wants to start taking the lessons!!! We about flipped haha Devon has been teaching her alot & answering alot of her questions but she wanted us to teach her because she told us she feels a really good feeling whenever we come over & loves having us around! isn't that so cool! i loved hearing that! So yesterday we taught her the first lesson & it went incredible. She talked about how she can see a difference in devon when he started going back to church & has always thought devons family was such a great family & started crying. She said she could see how religion has really made an impact in his families life. Devon also began telling that he has loved feeling the spirit back in his life & realized how much he missed that feeling! I recited the 1st vision in the lesson & it was my first time!! :D let me just say i was way nervous but i only kind messed up once haha it all went well though. She said she would pray about joseph smith that night to see if its true & were gonna go follow up on that on tuesday! yay!! Also we have gotten really close with a couple less actives lately, Amanda, is married to a buddist but she has told us she is gonna start coming back to church cause she wants her 2 boys to go. Shes blessing her baby soon & asked us some quesitons about the sacrament. We told her she can be forgiven of past sins & just needs to talk to the bishop & she can get on the right track. She said that is a huge comfort to feel. She said she didn't know if she could be forgiven or not. Isn't that sad that some people don't think they can be forgiven?? It breaks my heart! Everyone has the same opportunity & is all able to us the atonement in their lives! Thats why Jesus came to the earth & performed the atonement for EVERYONE!! & i love Him for it!!
Also update on dennis: not very good. He is kinda goin downhill & i think were gonna stop going over to see him. He just never progresses & i think is even getting worse. Its sad but sometimes that happens. He has alot of bad influences around him & alot of anti mormon friends. kinda sad. Anyway thats that. Well i better go write some other people! Love you all & this work is true! I love having the spirit with me constantly & know with all my heart it is true!!
Love Sister Amber Heward
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